For Immediate Release
July 10, 2018
Artist Elizabeth Bennett Uses Words to Create Humor and Poignancy
In this Spotlight Exhibition, Embark presents the textual work of artist Elizabeth Bennett. In these works, Bennett explores the most effective means of giving language a physical form. Using various processes, materials, and scale, Bennett adds layers of meaning and power to concepts expressed in writing.
Several large banners of printed text have been soaked in water, obscuring and blurring certain parts. Bennett affixed these huge sheets of paper to a pier in Eastport Maine, allowing the tide to rise and melt the ink off of the paper. By allowing this natural process, the artist gives the powerful words new connotations. In Dr. King and the Declaration (pictured above) the ocean has significantly washed away the quotation on the right from the Declaration of Independence implying the wearing way of this truth, and echoing the silence spoken of by Dr. Martin Luther King on the left.
Left: Banana, 2017. Screenprint on brown paper bag. Right: Product Haiku, 2017. Print.
In the two series Grocery Stories and Product Haikus, Bennett’s search for meaning in the overwhelming banality of capitalism is taken to the point of comic absurdity. In the former, the humorous and self-deprecating text is screen printed on plain brown shopping bags. Placed on pedestals, the work juxtaposes the mundane encounters with the prestige of fine art exhibition. The posters created for Product Haikus pull images from advertising and rely on the farcical idea of making meaningful poetry out of brand name products.
In these and several other works, Bennett manipulates language and form to evoke both laughter and somber meditation from her viewers.
Press Previews by appointment.
Opening Reception: Friday, July 27th, 2018, 5-8PM
Hours: 1–6pm every Thursday-Saturday from July 28 - August 25, 2018
Media Contact: Angelica Jardini | Curatorial Director |
Embark Arts offers exhibition opportunities to current and recently graduated Masters of the Fine Arts students in the San Francisco Bay Area. We provide a space for an engaged community of artists, curators and scholars, and we aim to expand the audience for up and coming contemporary art. The juried exhibitions are held at our gallery in San Francisco at the historic Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture.