2018_09 - Embark Taking Temperature-01.jpg

Taking Temperature 


Taking Temperature is a group exhibition presented in tandem with Coal + Ice, a documentary photography exhibition and climate festival coming to Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture this Fall. Co-curator of Coal + Ice and Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas, along with independent curator Jillian Schultz, selected ten artists whose work is concerned with the consequences of climate change. On both a personal and global scale, how have these shifts affected landscapes, cultures, and communities? What are the implications of living in a country whose government actively denies climate science? Themes include extreme weather events, apocalyptic scenes from the present and future, the refuse created by consumer capitalism and, overall, an urgent plea for environmental activism.

Participating Artists: Noah Greene (UC Davis), Amber Eve Imrie (Stanford), Darcy Padilla (UC Davis), Alana Rios (SJSU) Joseph Robertson (SFAI) Stephanie Sherriff (Stanford), HyeYoon Song (CCA), Mika Sperling (SFAI), Tashi Wangdhu (Mills), Eve Werner (SFAI)

Exhibition catalog for "Taking Temperature"- a show about the consequences of climate change presented by Embark Arts